Feb 2: Candelaria (Candlemass). A big plant fair is held in the Parque Juarez over this period.

Two Sundays before Easter: Alborada (dawn fireworks) to mark the arrival of Jesús de la Columna in town from Atotonilco.

March or April: Semana Santa (Holy Week), begins on the last Friday of Lent (Viernes de Dolores) when many people open up their homes to display their home-made altars; continues with processions on Domingo de Ramos (Palm Sunday) and succeeding days; climaxes on Viernes Santo (Good Friday), with more processions and a re-enactment of Pontius Pilate washing his hands. On Domingo de Pascua (Easter Sunday), Judases (papier maché dolls) are exploded in the Jardín.

Late May: fiestas in Valle de Maíz. Riotous goings-on in one of San Miguel's most traditional neighbourhoods.

Sunday closest to June 13: Día de Locos (Loony Day), a parade of people in crazy costumes unique to San Miguel.

Sep 15/16: El Grito (cry of independence). Celebrations to mark Mexico's independence from Spain.

3rd or 4th weekend in Sep: Sanmiguelada (running of the bulls). This has been cancelled since 2007, but may be reinstated at some point]

Sep 29: Día de San Miguel Arcangel (feast day of San Miguel's patron saint). The actual celebrations usually take place the weekend following. The biggest Alborada (dawn fireworks) of the year, processions include a cabalgata (horse parade and blessing), traditional dances from all over Mexico.

Nov1/2: Día(s) de Muertos. Altars around town and in the cemetery.

Dec 16-24: Posadas (inns), simple candlelit processions.

New Year's Eve: Music and fireworks in the Jardín at midnight.

Festivals and Fiestas Throughout the Year:


1 New Year's Day: a legal holiday

3 Birthday of Independence hero "El Pipila"

6 Three Kings Day: Epiphany; gifts are given to children;end of Christmas festivities with the arrival of the three Maji to the infant Jesus.

17San Antonio Abad's Day: The churches of San Antonio Abad, El Oratorio and San Juan de Dios, bless the animals to free them from ilness and to help in their development, under the protection of San Antonio.

21 Birthday of General Allende: Hero of National Independence; parades

24Pilgrimage to San Juan de los Lagos: the departure of pilgrims from San Miguel to join thousands of pilgrims coming from many places in Mexico to travel to San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco; homage to the Virgin of San Juan. Departure ceremonies near the Train Station.


2 Virgen of La Candelaria's Day: Spring celebration and seeds are blessed to commorate the beginning of the planting seasonSeeds and plants in abundance are sold in Parque Juarez

5Constitution Day: legal holiday with government offices, schools and banks closed

14 St. Valentine's Day; Love

17 Ash Wednesday: Beginning of Lent

22 Death of Francisco Madero 1913

24 Dia de la Bandera; Flag day; Civic ceremony and parades


First Friday in March: Indian Conchero Dancers in front of La Parroquia

5 Carnaval Day: Carnavals take place in many places in Mexico and a five day celebration begins before the beginning of Lent

8 Feast day of San Juan de Dios

17 St. Patrick's Day: green everywhere

19 Feast of San Jose: celebrations at the chapel

21 Birthday of Benito Juarez: famous President and national hero; a legal holiday

21 Beginning of Spring and Aztec New Year's Day: colorful parade with children in costume as flowers and animals


10 Death of Emiliano Zapata in 1919

21 American Invasion in 1914: flags at half-mast

30 Child's Day: festivals are held for children at schools and are offered small presents and games


1 There is a celebration every Sunday to honor the Virgin Mary during "Maria Month" in a different neighborhood church in San Miguel

1 Labor Day: a legal holiday with parades

3 La Santa Cruz: Holy Cross, day for masons and builders;altars are erected at all construction sites; work stops at noon and the employers are expected to provide a party; firecrackers explode far into the night

5 Battle of Puebla: defeat of the french in 1862 by the triumph of General Ignacio Zaragoza; dances performed during the week8 Birthday of Father Miguel Hildalgo

10 Dia de las Madres: Mother's Day

15 Fiesta of San Isidro: patron saint of agriculture, herds and flocks mainly honored in rural communities; cattle are decorated with paper garlands, then blessed; the celebration is associated with bringing rain in the coming season

21 Death of Venustiano Carranza in 1920

26 Feast Day of San Filipe Neri, founder of the Congregation of the Oratorio


11 Corpus Cristi Day: processions

Sunday after June 13: Fiesta de los Locos with crazy costume parade

22 Birthday of Ignacio Ramirez, "El Nigromante"

24 Feast Day of St. John the Baptis

26 Death of General Allende in 1911: Civic ceremony in Plaza Civica


Third Sunday: Feast of Atotonilco at Atotonilco; fiesta and Indian dances

1 Canada Day celebrations

4 U.S. Independence Day celebrations

16 Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen: beginning of a series of ritual cebrations continuing until the end of the month

18 Anniversary of the death of Benito Juarez in 1872

30 Anniversary of the death of Father Hildago in 1811: Civic ceremonies


First two weeks: the Chamber Music Festival

8 Feast Day of santo Domingo

15 Assumption Day: La Asuncion de Maria Santisima


Last weekend: Feast of St. Michael celebrations. Last Friday: Arrival of Indians with Xuchiles.

8 Birthday of the Holy Virgin

13 Anniversary of the deaths of the Child Heros in 1847

15 El Grito: The Cry of Independence, Viva Mexico! Hidalgo's cry for Mexican Independence from Spain

16 Independence Day: a national holiday; parade

29 Feast Day of the Archangel St. Michael


3 La Alborada, San Miguel Arcangel's birthday: Indian dances and fireworks from midnight to dawn in front of La Parroquia

4 Arrival of the Indians with Xuchiles Xichiles are decorations made from flowers, plants and corn paste; music and fireworks in front of La Parroquia

10 Feast Day of San Francisco

12 Columbus Day: El Dia de la Raza

31 Halloween: Noche de Brujas


Last week: The International Jazz Festival. Last two weeks: National Brass and Wool Fair. Fourth Thursday: Thanksgiving.

1 All Saints Day: Todos los Santos

2 All Souls Day: Day of the Dead celebrations

20 Anniversary of the 1910 Revolution: a legal holiday

22 Feast Day of Santa Cecilia: day for musicians


8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception

12 Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe

16 Christmas activities with posadas daily

24 Noche Buena: Christmas Eve

25 Christmas Day: a national holiday

31 New Year's Eve: midnight mass and fireworks